“Frumathugun á nýrri rannsókn hefur leitt í ljós að inntaka skjaldkirtilshormónsins levótýroxín með glasi af kúamjólk lækkar allverulega getu líkamans á upptöku lyfsins . Þessar niðurstöður voru kynntar sunnudaginn 2.ap sl á Endó 2017, 99. ársfundi félags Innkirtlafræðinga, í Orlando, Florida.

“Þessar niðurstöður styðja fyrri rannsóknir sem sýna að kalk getur truflað frásog á levótýroxín ,” sagði verkefnisstjóri Deborah Chon, MD, Endocrinology styrkþegi UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine og VA (Veterans Affairs) Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, Calif. “Lækkun upptöku þýðir að sjúklingar nýta því ekki allan skammtinn af skjaldkirtilshormóni sem þeir eru að taka”


“Taking the common oral thyroid hormone medication levothyroxine with a glass of cow’s milk significantly decreases the body’s ability to absorb the drug, a preliminary study finds. Results will be presented Sunday at ENDO 2017, the Endocrine Society’s 99th annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.

“These findings support previous research showing that calcium supplements can interfere with levothyroxine absorption,” said principal investigator Deborah Chon, M.D., an endocrinology fellow at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and the VA (Veterans Affairs) Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, Calif. “Decreased absorption means that patients may not get the full dose of thyroid hormone that they are prescribed.”
